People Pleaser Mini Class Guide ONLY


People Pleaser Mini Class Guide ONLY


This is the Mini Class Guide that accompanies my people pleaser class.

  • What is people pleasing?

  • What is some of the biology of why we people please?

  • What is a resentment cycle?

This this is the Mini Guide ONLY— if you want access to the full workshop, please purchase the class recording. This is a good option if you want to start learning a tiny bit about People Pleasing but aren’t ready to dive into it fully. It also can be a kind gift for a loved one who is struggling with people pleasing or a journal prompt for you/your art making group.

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This Mini Guide is from an educational workshop using restorative practices and informed by pedagogical tools, not medial ones. Aleah Black is not a therapist, clinician, or medical professional. They are not a licensed counselor, therapist, or doctor. Aleah Black will not tread or diagnose any conditions.

This Mini Guide is NOT for reproduction, resale, or reprint. It may NOT be shared/posted on any website or social media website nor redownloaded by non-customers. Copyright Aleah Black 2024.